My World – snow spot


Can you guess what this is?

Not a footprint.

Nothing fell from the trees.

Not a squirrel butt mark.

I’ll give you a hint….

Think small, really small….

Give up?

It is a chickadee snow bath wallow.

I looked out my window to see a Black-capped Chickadee taking a snow bath.  By the time I dashed to the garage to get the camera out of the car and made it round the house; the Chickadee was long gone, but its tub was still there.  Pretty cool, huh.  Now that I know they do this, I’m on the lookout.  I’d love to get it on video.

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Filed under backyard

12 responses to “My World – snow spot

  1. OK – by 9am I am going to call it. That is the coolest thing I will see on the interwebz today!

  2. Really fantastic bird photos and such interesting blog entries. I envy your travels to Alaska – it is on my bucket list!

  3. Too bad you didn’t take the shot. But the bath is good enough. Great post.

  4. Oh how cool..i have seen sandy bird baths and water baths..but never snow..I hope you can get a video.

  5. Humorous and interesting – I would never have guessed the right answer.

  6. Oh,well spotted. I’m holding my breath for a sneak peek of the bath ritual!

  7. Oh, chilly. Haven’t the chickadees discovered the heated birdbath on your railing?

  8. It is interesting. Some of the Chickadees use the heated birdbath and others do not. I wonder if the snow-bather and the snow-eater are the same bird. Maybe it came from much further north and is used to using snow for liquid.

  9. fascinating!! The snowbather chickadee must be brave hahahaha! would love to see a video of that one:) Hope you’ll have the luck to do it.

  10. I didn’t even know birds took “snow baths.” I was equally excited just to see snow. 🙂

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